What Baking Can do
Food has always been an expression of love for myself and my family. When we are together, most of our time is spent around the kitchen table with something simmering away on the stove or baking in the oven. Some of my fondest memories are of me standing on a stool or chair by my grandparents' side as they prepared a meal. The best recipes were never written down, they were known by heart and perfectly delicious every single time.
In my years as a brand ambassador for several large culinary companies, I discovered just how these moments in front of the stove had imprinted on me and how much I enjoyed talking about and teaching people how to work with food.
I launched my company Bake With Bo in January of 2017. Bake With Bo started as a series of Facebook live videos geared to take people's minds off of the chaos and uncertainty our country found itself in. What initially began as a ploy to distract and uplift turned into a business catered around inclusion, social outreach, and education.
Food is an expression of love. I have always believed that food should nourish and bring people together, and if in that unification some extra good can come out of it, all the better, right? Throughout the pandemic, I have been doing special bakes with proceeds going directly to Feeding America, The ACLU, and The Actors Fund, three charities that have always been near and dear to my heart, but who have gone above and beyond to help those most in need during these absolutely bonkers and turbulent times and who still need our help - please click on their links and donate if you can, they are truly saving lives. In January of 2021, I also launched the sponsoring program where someone can sponsor a meal or a bake to someone in need here in the city from wherever they are in the world. This opened my reach to people outside of NYC who wanted to spread love within our community as well and the response has been overwhelming.
There is always more work to do and I am so honored to have this outlet and a community of caring, compassionate, wonderful humans behind it. You can always email bakewithbo@gmail.com to find out about our new and seasonal bakes and for information on how you yourself can get in on spreading joy and love.